What about us?
Experience and continous evolution at your service.

ASECONSA is a young and dynamic company specialized in comprehensive consulting and training organizations and companies in the food industry and the health sector, composed of a multidisciplinary team of professionals (degree in law, pharmacy, veterinary, biology, engineering, chemistry, food technology), specialized in the field of public health food safety (environmental health), consumer, pharmaceutical sector and training, directly related to Government and private sector companies.
ASECONSA will put at your disposal a team of professionals that will solve all their problems and concerns, ensuring a rapid and effective management in all matters related to Government, by adapting their needs legislative and scientific advances.
On-line Service
Reduce up to 50% cost of advice with our online consultancy service. New technologies make it possible that ASECONSA, assessment of consumer and health, made available its services more convenient and easy.
Reduce service costs by avoiding unnecessary travel and using new communication channels.

Consumer Consulting
The defence and protection of consumers and users is a key part of society enshrined in legislation.

Our Services
- Safety of industrial products.
- Retail, and restoration.
- Labelling of industrial products. Toys. Risk assessment.
- Administrative procedures for complaints and claims of consumers and users.
- Tourist apartments. Hotels.
- Advertising and Marketing consumer products.
- Advice and defense of sanctioning procedures.
- Technical support services.
- Training academies.
Contact us for further information

Today, through effective procedures, we tend to ensure the safety, health and the legitimate interests of consumers.
According to the law, natural or legal persons who acquire, use or enjoy as final recipients goods or services, are considered as: consumers and users.
Consume is inherent to human beings. It is therefore necessary the importance of incorporating the theme of the rational consumer education.
ASECONSA offers advice and training on matters relating to consumers and users, and control of marketed products. Implementation of training systems, information and communications products in the companies in the sector.
Public Health Consulting
The new public health from a multidisciplinary approach to the protection and promotion of the health of the individual and society.

Centres and Services
The health system, considered as a fundamental part of society, responsible for providing people a comprehensive health care, both preventive, curative and rehabilitative. Moving to centres, services and facilities which may promote multidisciplinarity and interaction between the public and the private sector.

Food Security
The right to food is a universal right. Means that everyone must have access to food at all times, or means to obtain them, that are safe and quality to meet the needs, which are free of acceptable and noxious substances to meet the nutritional needs of citizens.
Food law shall pursue one or more of the goals of achieving a high level of protection of life and health of persons, as well as protect the interests of consumers, including fair practices in food trade, taking into account, where appropriate, the protection of health and animal welfare, plant health and the environment.

Environmental Health
Unhealthy environments, environmental pollution, poor sanitation, the uncontrolled disposal of waste, contaminated water, disease vectors, U-V radiation and degraded ecosystems are environmental risk factors important for the population.
In developing countries, the risks and environmental pollution contribute very significantly to mortality, morbidity and disability in the population associated with acute respiratory diseases, diarrhoea, poisoning and diseases transmitted by insects and rodents.

Pharmaceutical Consulting
The defence and protection of consumers and users is a key part of society enshrined in legislation.

The pharmaceutical sector is under constant development, looking for maximum efficiency and increasingly subjected to more guarantees from public authorities due to their importance and health impact.
Aseconsa, assessment of consumer and health, makes available corporate sector a team of professional experts in pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and experience in pharmaceutical business to ensure legal and business alignment of products and companies in the sector.
Services for companies
Aseconsa directs its comprehensive services to enterprises of pharmaceuticals (drugs, cosmetics and medical devices) and distribution of face to meet all the requirements of the health administrations, particularly those required by the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2015, of July 24, approving the revised law of the Law of Guarantees and rational use of medicines and health products, and its implementing rules.

Services for products
Due to the importance of pharmaceutical products and the globalization of trade, Aseconsa ensures the full assessment of these products to ensure its legality, security and appropriate mechanisms possible damage on health from obtaining licences and authorizations of active substances to the final consumer information control for all products related to health:
- Drugs.
- Cosmetics.
- Medicinal plants.
- Medical devices.

Our experience and high qualification ensuring better training.

ASECONSA offers companies the possibility to train their workers in the management systems implemented in the companies quality. The experience in the public and private sectors of our teachers and the use of new technologies guarantee.

Our Courses
- Course manipulator of food adapted to each training plan.
- Customized courses for companies.
Contact us for further information about our courses

Contact us
If you have some question or sugerence for us, do not hesitate to contact using the methods below.
- direcciontecnica@aseconsa.es
Sevilla Office
- C/ Imagen 7, 5º derecha, 41003 Sevilla, Spain.
- Tel: +34 955 11 89 29
Madrid Office
- Paseo de las Delicias 30, 2ª Planta, 28045, Madrid, Spain.
- Tel: +34 671 47 04 61
Málaga/Cádiz Office
- C/ Ramiro Monje s/n, Edificio 12, 3ºA, 11310 San Roque (Cádiz), Spain.
- Tel: +34 956 90 27 72
Leave a message

Política de Privacidad de datos
ASECONSA Asesoría de Consumo y Sanidad garantiza la seguridad y confidencialidad de los datos de carácter personal facilitados por sus clientes, y así, de conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD) y en la normativa de desarrollo, el cliente/usuario queda informado y presta su consentimiento a la incorporación de sus datos a los ficheros automatizados existentes en ASECONSA Asesoría de Consumo y Sanidad y al tratamiento automatizado de los mismos, incluyendo aquellos a los que esta empresa tenga acceso como consecuencia de su navegación por esta página web, para las finalidades de envío de comunicaciones comerciales, comercialización de productos y servicios, del mantenimiento de su relación contractual y de gestión con ASECONSA Asesoría de Consumo y Sanidad, al objeto de adecuar nuestras ofertas comerciales a sus características particulares. Los destinatarios de dichos datos serán los servicios comerciales y técnicos de ASECONSA Asesoría de Consumo y Sanidad.
Estos datos personales están siendo tratados e incorporados a los correspondientes ficheros automatizados, que están debidamente inscritos en el Registro General de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.
La política de privacidad de ASECONSA Asesoría de Consumo y Sanidad le asegura, en todo caso, el ejercicio de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, información de valoraciones y oposición, en los términos establecidos en la legislación vigente. Por ello, de conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD) y en la normativa de desarrollo, ASECONSA Asesoría de Consumo y Sanidad garantiza la adopción de las medidas necesarias para asegurar el tratamiento confidencial de dichos datos y le informa de la posibilidad de ejercitar, conforme a dicha normativa, los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, dirigiendo un escrito a ASECONSA Asesoría de Consumo y Sanidad, C/ Imagen 7, 5º derecha C.P. 41003, Sevilla o dirigiendo un correo electrónico a direcciontecnica@aseconsa.es
Responsable: Identidad: ASESORÍA DE CONSUMO Y SANIDAD S.L. (ASECONSA) - NIF: B91985978 Dir. postal: imagen 7, 5º derecha. Teléfono: 955118929 Correo elect: direcciontecnica@aseconsa.es. “En nombre de la empresa tratamos la información que nos facilita con el fin de prestarles el servicio solicitado, realizar la facturación del mismo. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación comercial o durante los años necesarios para cumplir con las obligaciones legales. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. Usted tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en ASESORÍA DE CONSUMO Y SANIDAD S.L. estamos tratando sus datos personales por tanto tiene derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, rectificar los datos inexactos o solicitar su supresión cuando los datos ya no sean necesarios. Los datos que nos facilite no serán empleados para acciones publicitarias o promocionales ni para la fidelización.